Security Operations Center (S.O.C) Basic Fundamentals


Ø  SOC CONSISTS OF two logical parts

1.       Hub architecture => SIEMS => Prevent Infrastructure by detecting, analyzing, and responding SIEMS => SOAR is part of SIEM, Security Orscastration( centrally controlled) Automation(auto analysis without human interference) and Response( take necessary  action) system and  Threat Intelligence and Analysis tools

2.       Spoke architecture => IPS, IDS, App Scanner, EDR, XDR, MDR      

SOC functions

Monitoring and investigation, Daily soc task, On demand request, Reporting and compliance


Ø  SOC will continuously monitor IT equipments from a centralized location, prevent IT  Infrastructure by detecting, analyzing and responding

Ø  SIEM parse (covert raw data into organized data) all the logs into readable structured format

·       All devises logs are integrated with SIEM box and SIEM has intelligence system that detect the threats

·       Next generation SIEM has UEBA (user event behavior analytics) tool detects all the internal logs

·       If SIEM has UEBA ,ML and SOAR then it is next generation SIEM

·       ML detects the treats without any signature or defined rule

·       Q RADAR, Splunk, logarithm are SIEM solutions 

Ø  End Point security => antivirus, Host Fire wall, EDR, DLP, vulnerability assessment tool

Ø  SIEM trigger alarm when finds any vulnerability ,, SIEM is reactive and proactive approach

Difference between Event and incident

Event: observables => User login, logoff, VPN connections, proxy connection

Incident: Damages => malware outbreak, earth quake, fire, exposure of Data publically. Can be False positive.

·       Incident Management Life cycle

·       Preparation

·       Identification

·       Containment

·       Eradication

·       Recovery

·       Lesson Learnt

IBM security Feed =>cloud base data upto, 700TB(all bad logs event updates are available) X Force exchange feature(complementary)

Threat intelligence provides the solution to encounter the issue, tool CISCO Plato tool

Analysis tools: virus total, IP void, auto run, process explorer (host attack analysis), wire shark and zeek (for network analysis), ADA pro, Geedra (for malware analysis).There is no protection for zero day threat or zero day attack.

Ø  SEIM will do

·       Collect Events

·       Correlate Data

·       Real time alert

·       Reporting

Ø  IBM Q RADAR Modules


Network insight

QVM vulnerability Manager

QRM Risk Manger

Forensic Incident Manager

Ø  Q Radar Sources of info

1.Log Source => origination of logs and send it to SIEM solution => logs are from Linux, firewalls, router switches etc

2. Flow Sources=> 7th layers monitoring, Net flow, Q flow, G flow, wireshark

3. Vulnerability Scan =>it can be done by internal or external integration

4. Asset info => should be updated, all asset info is stored in the data base, e.g all the logs and ports enable in the firewall. Active directory, port 53.

5. Watch list => predefined rules for the alert

6. Threat intelligence, IBM X force or 3rd party intelligence is used


Ø  IBM counts through EPS, event per second and FPM flow per min

In all in one architecture, console is call magistrate and all work is done by console, there is only one console and all diff components are called Managed hosts

Distributed Deployment QRADAR Components

Ø  Event collector perform following steps

1.Logs are in raw form when event collector collects the logs.

Event collector has parsing engine that converts it in readable form,

Parsing engine is called DSM (device support module), DSM has logs in hard form

2.Check file protocol log file JDBC, Cisc log

Maps logs to Q ids

3.Log collasing => if many events have same identifier than it will merge all in 1 event. Like if in 10 sec there are 4 or 5 logs have same identifiers than it merge them all

4.Auto discover => auto discover log and collects all the info

5. License throttling => incoming events does not violate the licensing

Event collector does not store the event

Ø  Event processor => event collector will send the encrypted file to Event processor

EP has CRE (Custom rule engine) and CRE has built-in rules, CRE check the rules to confirm if there is an malicious activity

1.EP provides real time streaming

2. EP  stores the Event and  log

EP database is called Ariel query server and sends the event to Console

IBM  has 2 main engines CRE (Custom rule engine)and ADE (anomaly deduction engine )


Searches management, Offense management, report management, 3rd part management

Console database is called Ariel proxy server or post dace SQL

Ø  DATA node

Is connected to Event processor, data node is used to enhance EP performance, DN is added is used for extra storing, searching and processing, DN is used for bigger organizations

Ø  Flow collector

Capture of flow and Send the network copy to Qradar using Network tab, span port

Net flow=> analyze the network traffic

Virtual flow => it analyze the network flow of a virtual device

Q flow => span port or network tab, monitoring of layer 7

Ø  Flow Processor  and Event processor has same functionality

Difference b/w Event and flow

Flow is complete info of session, complete network info of session

Event is when user logged in

Flow is integrated or captured through network tab, site mirroring

App host is optional like data node and reduce the impact of console

Console will dedicate 10% of total storage for App host. All apps are stored in app host  like user behavior Analysts

Analysis tool is integrated in Console,

IBM recommends console and Event processor integration

IBM recommends primary and secondary compliances

All the devices in 1 site should have the IP address same like EP in disturbed deployment 

All the devices in 1 site should have the IP address same like console primary in all in one deployment

Logpoint is open source used to calculate EPS

MSRPC can forward logs of App, system and security logs only.

Win collect can forward all logs and Win collect can clean unnecessary logs.

Events over MSRPC protocol has pulling protocol called MS-EVEN6 Protocol,, in IBW Q radar MS-EVEN6 Protocol is selected by default

Console communicates with remote WIN collect Agent

QRADAR main services

Ø  Host context

 Disk management, disk upgrade, core process start and stop, all component deployment, reporting, asset info, all services run on console and Managed devices

Ecs Ingress is not handled at Host Context

Tom cat

User interface responsibility, user interface will not be available when service will restart

Tom cat runs on console

Host services

All back end deamon process

Ecs-ingress collects logs, this service is available on EC. ECS-es is available in EC to parse the log and collasing

Accumulator data base is in EP, accumulation data table in Ariel query table and says it is responsible to counts the data that changes on regular interval. All data is saved in data table

IOC (indicator of compromise) are the traces of attack. It can be hash, IP, URL, bad domain, network anomaly. All info about the attack and help to protect the attacks in future.

You get signal, censys, provides IP info


Mitre Attack Is systematically defined, real time observations. Dynamic

TTP( tactic technique and procedure ) is the toughest IOC

Use case manager is free Qradar App that has Mitre attack work associated

Reconnaissance: Gather the info about the targeted org 

Resource development: it is used to gather resources to support targeting.

Initial Access: attacker tries to get access to the targeted organization

Execution: attacker tires to run malicious code on the targeted network

Persistence: attacker use techniques that keep his access to the targeted organization.

Privilege Escalation: attacker used techniques to get high level permissions

Defense Envasion: attacker used techniques to hide its activities throughout the attack.

Credential Access: attacker use techniques to get the username and pass

Discovery: Attacker gathers the info about the network and internal network

Lateral Movement: attacker used techniques to move into the network

Collection: Attacker gathers data of interest

Command and Control: Attacker uses techniques to get the control over targeted organization devices

Exfiltration : techniques used to steal the data from the targeted network

Impact: techniques used to destroy or manipulate the data

Triage process

1. Monitor    

Offenses monitoring and improving the rules

User behavior analytics ,, UEBA tool runs with ML

SIEM  alert monitoring

Resilient IBM tool is used for ticket generation

 2. Initial investigate  

Investigate if the offense needs to be escalated

  3. Prioritize     

Prioritize the offense depending on sensitivity of data and every company has its own set of rules to prioritize the offenses


Basic level investigation and has to escalate the issue to IR team

Cases needs to be forwarded when user account or server are at risk, IOCs are available sensitive data is at risk, suspicious activities in User account

 5. Improve

After Triage process

 rules set can be improved

minimize the false positive to get legitimate incident

rules accuracy can be improved

Role Of Offense

Unified threat from a specific source

CRE Custom rule engine monitor all the logs and events. CRE check the pattern of logs with predefined rules. Rule is triggered when there is an offense regarding a specific attack.

IBM qradar servies, reports, searches, system monitoring is done thorough email notification.

Difference b/w Incident and Offense  


Single attack or policy violation generated by 1 rule


Group of attack or policies violation generated against multiple rules

Brute force attack on a specific account followed by privilege escalation

Correlation Engine in IBM

CRE Custom Rule Engine

Rules based created by administrator

If 7 logins in 10 mins than generate an offense

Anomaly Detection Engine   ADE

Offense is created on behavior, anomaly and threshold,, data exfiltration

Every offense and event has Magnitude

Magnitude is calculated on 3 factors


Impact of offense on your network

If the port is open than the relevance will be high

Ddoc attack is on network and it increase the impact of relevance

To get accurate relevance DB and network hierarchy should be accurate


Attack from a source checks the vulnerability of the destination. Checks how much destination is prepared for the attack

If offense is created due to failed attempts and offense is already created than it will increase impact of severity

Severity does not depend on network hierarchy


Trust on the logs

Credibility increases when multiple sources report same attack

Offense chaining

Merge different incidents in 1 offense

Offense is based on indexed field

Offense Retention

Default retention period is of 30 days

There can only be 2500 active offense

100,000 max total offenses

Offense maintenance

Soft Clean offense:  all offense are closed but are not removed from Qradar

Hard clean: it removes all the offense , SIEM does not recommend hard clean

Offense Handling

Description and categories

Magnitude => credibility, relevance and severity



Events and flows

Time spam

Source and destination

Intrusion Detection system

Intrusion prevention system

Fire Wall

A system that monitor a network traffic and alerts the user when a suspicious activity happens

A system that monitor network traffic and alter the user like IDS but it also take actions to prevent that attack

Inspect the network traffic and block the malicious attacks

Does not block the malicious

Preferred by organizations due to detection and prevention

Blocks the IPs and ports


EDR end point deduction and response

MDR Managed deduction and response

XDR Extended deduction and response

·       Searching through data 

·       Investigating and hunting for threats 

·       Monitoring and recording events 

·       Suspicious activity alerts and validation 

·       Analyzing gathered data 

·       Support 

·       Remediation 



·       Monitoring data 

·       Searching for threats 

·       Handling alerts as they arise 

·       Investigations 

·       Guided response efforts 

·       Taking care of remediation



·       Recordings of security breaches 

·       Analysis of threat events 

·       Primary threat detection solutions 

·       Multi-platform data searches and threat investigations 

·       Remediating current security threats 

·       Processes to mitigate future risks 





PIM Privilege Identity  Management

PAM privilege Access Management

IAM identity Access Management

used to manage , control, monitor the resources with the high level privileged access

System used to safeguard , monitor and control the privilege access

System  that’s allows the Admin to grant access of  resources to Users with privilege  access.



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